We updated our parking events calendar! I think we got all the upcoming parking events covered now. Do you think we still miss an event? Please, contact us or add the event yourself! Maybe we’ll meet each other at one of the many events in the upcoming year.
Yes, it’s almost 2013 already. Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? It feels like only yesterday that we organized our own Airport Parking Network Event. By the way, did I already mention that we’re organizing another Airport Parking Network Event in 2013? That will be the 5th edition already! It's only an idea, nothing's set just yet. But when the date is final, you'll be the first to know! For all of you who joined this years’ edition in Lisbon: Our creative department is working their butts off editing the video clips to make a video impression of the Airport Parking Network Event 2012. I´ll keep you updated!
Now I leave you with a video. It's an old video I must admit, but it's worth to watch it. It's a video of UCLA economist Donald Shoup. He''s the author of the book "The High Cost of Free Parking". In the video he talks about the hidden costs of free parking in cities, stating that "just because the driver doesn't pay for parking doesn't mean the cost goes away". He proposes news ways for cities to plan and regulate parking. Cities from San Fransisco to Washington, DC are already adopting Shoup's reforms.