"Parking Servis" Belgrade

Visiting address
Takovska 31
Postal address
28v Prekonoška
Belgrade , 11000
Contact person
Andrija ČupkovićAssociation information
There are 9 Public Garages, 19 Car Parks and 1 SMS Car Park in Belgrade, that are managed by ’Parking Servis’. Beside public garages, ’Parking Servis’ manages and maintains 23 Garages With Reserved Parking Spaces, accessible only to users of monthly subscription and vehicles with TAG stickers.
Garages and Car Parks are equipped with cutting-edge automatic systems, as well as toll stations, which has contributed to the faster flow of the vehicles and more reliable payment control. Zone Parking System is applied in the inner and wider city center, with time limited parking, while the parking outside downtown area is no time limited. SMS Car Parks operate under the same regime as the zoned areas of the city.
‘Parking Servis’ has designed and implemented a unique information system, which provides users with real-time notifications of available parking spaces. The modern automation in Garages and Car Parks as well as street sensors in the city collect information about available parking spaces. The collected data are available to drivers on more than 300 info-boards across the Belgrade’s streets, as well as on the Company’s website and Parking Mobile App.
The Company also offers services of towing away illegally parked and broken-down vehicles as well as those which have been involved in traffic accidents, by using a special tow truck called ‘spider’. Towing services are carried out only by Traffic Police, Communal Police or Municipal Inspection order. Our tow truck called ‘spider’ is ready for service 24 hours a day, every day of the year, even in states of emergency such as heavy traffic congestions, natural disasters, interventions of fire fighters, emergency squads and communal services. In addition to this, the Company takes part in directing traffic during important public events and similar organized mass gatherings.
The organizational logistics of International Customer Terminal is entrusted to ’Parking Servis’, where users have everything necessary for a quick customs clearance of goods. Public customs and commercial warehouses, customs and consulting services, business premises and and parking lots for passenger and freight vehicles are located in the immediate vicinity of Corridor 10.
Parking Servis is a founder of Serbian Parking Association of 40 members, and itself is a member of European Parking Association.
Press releases
SMS4Parking in City of Nis (Serbia)
admin Parking Network
SMS4Parking successfully implemented in six cities in Serbia
admin Parking Network