Access Control Technologies, Inc.

Visiting address

4204 S.W. 9th Street - Suites A & B

Iowa 50315-3959

Des Moines

Postal address

4204 S.W. 9th Street - Suites A & B

Des Moines , Iowa 50315-3959

United States


Tel +1 515 243 1210

Fax +1 515 243 1710

Company information

Access Control Technologies, Inc. serves as a retailer, wholesaler, systems- integrator, and value-added-remarketer. To our customers, this means that we can provide, document, and support systems that are designed to meet specific needs. A.C.T.'s product-line contains a variety of high-quality products that include: electric gate operators, parking revenue controls, vehicle detection and recognition devices, card access control systems, closed circuit television, door locking hardware, and security panels.

Company information

Headquarters location 4204 S.W. 9th Street - Suites A & B
Iowa 50315-3959
Des Moines
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Access and Exit Control Systems
  • Access Control
  • Barriers
  • Controls; Lighting
  • Fencing
  • Gates
  • Traffic Control Devices