Ultimate Systems Solutions is growing as a SKIDATA Distributor
In 2008, Matthew Lazowski opened Ultimate Systems Solutions, LLC as a SKIDATA Distributor serving several northeastern states.

Today Matt heads USS as President, but he entered the Parking industry in 1998 via a sales executive position with a regional distributor of Parking, Access, and Revenue Control equipment. The company was in a growth phase, so Matt opened a regional office and ran it for a decade before his decision to open his own firm. He said, Although I enjoyed helping my clients in this capacity, I felt the need to stretch my limits and expand. When Matt chose to sign up as a SKIDATA distributor in New England, he said my wife and I decided the time was right to move forward. The fact that I was raised in New England and all of my family still resides there made our decision that much easier.
By providing the SKIDATA PARCS solution for their clients, USS allows them to experience high levels of control and increased customer satisfaction. Some recent parking ventures that USS has been involved in include:
* Residence Inn in Portsmouth, New Hampshire: A municipal lot in Portsmouth, the Deer-Hanover Parking Facility, was just implemented to accommodate a variety of userstransient, monthly pass-users, and hotel patrons. One reason that USS and SKIDATA were selected for this project is due to the breadth and depth of our system features. One example is the Hotel Card Article which is used on a regular basis to allow extended stay guests easy in/out privileges with a single credential. They do not have to pull a ticket every time they enter the facility or pay each time they exit. Also, the Hotel wanted to establish their own directions at the Entry and Exit Columns. They were able to upload custom bitmaps into the Columns for easy display on the Graphic Color LCD screens.
* Worchester, MA: For the Pearl/Elm and Federal Plaza Garages in Worchester, USS is installing a completely automated system with credit card payment at exit, Pay-on-Foot options in the lobbies, web-based validations for the nearby building tenants, facility remote control, and monthly card-holder fee-collection via the Pay-on-Foot machines. The system provides credit card payment at exits as well as the option for a cashier at the exit, as-needed. This system is completely auditable through the SKIDATA Facility Management System.
Regarding advice hed offer to a new PARCS vendor, Matt says Aside from get ready for the ride of your life (no pun intended), I advise treat clients as you would like to be treated. As a supplier of PARCS, it is vital we understand our clients needs, issues, and expectations in order to deliver a relevant solution. Everyones need is the most important need in the world to them; we must consider this every time we offer our help.
For future developments within the parking industry, Matt believes that reliance on public transportation will remain strong if not grow. Communities are sensitive to streetscapes, congestion, green initiatives, and revenue-limits. He states that multi-modal facilities will continue to expand, alternate fuel charging stations will pop up in dense population areas and the search for additional revenue sources will drive the decision making process. Of course PCI/PA-DSS compliance for protection of personal and revenue information will not wane.
Matt noted that, Although in the past, parking technology has lagged behind other industry sectors, it seems that SKIDATA has a grasp on current and future developments. I am confident with SKIDATAs offerings, we will be poised to meet the increasingly sophisticated needs of the parking public.
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